Climbing and mountaineering

Climbing school

  • Schedule: every Saturday from 8 a.m. to 12 a.m.
  • Number of participants:2-6 persons
  • Requirement: for beginners and advanced
  • For whom?: Everyone who would like to try rock climbing or improve their climbing skills on well-secured sport climbing routes
  • The rocks: Limestone cliffs in the area of Almería
  • Included: Climbing instructor, insurance.
  • Price: from 40 EUR / person / climbing day

Best rock and well-secured sport climbing routes close to Almería, ideal weather all year round.

With 300 days of sunshine a year, the province of Almería in south-east Spain offers ideal weather for climbing all year round. In the summer months you look for the shady gorges, in winter the sunny, south-facing rocks, where you can definitely climb in a T-shirt at Christmas.

The routes, mainly in the limestone of the Sierra de Gador, Sierra Alhamilla, Sierra de los Filabres and Sierra Nevada, are well secured with bolts.

To the summits of Sierra Nevada

Mulhacen 3482 m

Alcazaba 3371 m

Tozal del Cartujo 3152 m, north ridge - alpine climbing

Cerro de los Machos 3324 m, north ridge - Alpine climbing

Veleta - Vía Silvia, III to V

  • Schedule: on request
  • Number of participants: from 1 person
  • Requirement: good basic fitness and surefooted in pathless terrain
  • For whom?: Mountaineers who want to experience Sierra Nevada with a reliable mountain guide leeding them safely to the summit.
  • Terrain: Stony, partly pathless, boulders,
    climbing depending on the tour up to difficulty level V
  • Included: Mountain guide, insurance.
  • Not included: Getting there, meals.
  • Price: from 50 EUR / person

Sierra Nevada in southern Spain hosts more than 20 peaks over 3000 meters,  the last glacier has disappearedand more than 20 years ago, nevertheless in some summers snow remains on the north face.

In 1999 the "Sun Mountains", Sulayr, as the moorish people called them hundreds of years ago, was declared a national park. Due to its diverse climatic and vegetation zones, the Sierra has a large number of endemic plant species and offers a habitat for animals that have adapted to their extreme conditions.

The summit rocks consist mainly of mica slate in a partly solid and partly fragile state.


Sport climbing

Alpine climbing

Winter mountaineering

Mountain rescue

  • Schedule: on request
  • Number of participants: minimum 4 persons
  • Duration: 2 days
  • Included: Mountain guide / climbing instructor
  • Not included: Getting there, meals, accommodation
  • price: from 90 EUR / person

Safety is always our top priority.

Course content:

Knowledge of the material: ropes, hooks, carabiners, crampons, etc.

Important nodes

Planning a tour (maps, GPS, weather conditions)

Correct use of material and belay devices

The perfect climbing technique

Tips and tricks.

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